Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New Thursday Link Up!

Hey everyone!
I have exciting news! Jamie, from Simple Southern Ways, and I have decided to host a link up on Thursdays. It will be very general so that you can still write about whatever you want, but now you can link up and network with others as well. Check it out below!
Toby's Tails
<div align="center"><a href="http://tobystailsblog.blogspot.com" title="Toby's Tails"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg7rCTM00Caf5jYePCix-2bG-aI067Mg8xwC6mceCmXMxx9AS2MD3pZjcBCkrkY_yl-qedeXcoXVSF6pNXrza_FVe7eQDx55kU1zPlZEiKqg9my_BqqbPTBkOcuX8PnHX5WFdOtLWbPx5iv/w497-h373/2013-02-26" alt="Toby's Tails" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Please be sure to check it out on Thursday morning and link up! :) Feel free to shoot me an email with any questions!

Also, special shout out to my new sponsor Melissa over at Eleven Sixty!

Finally, please don't forget to register for the Giftcard Galore Giveaway!

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  1. Fun! I'm already thinking about Thursday - sushi night!

  2. Hay Gurl Haaaay!!!! Thanks for the shout out..that is too funny! :o)
